Thursday, March 17, 2011


 In highschool, my friend Kim used to create quote books of all our friends/teachers silly phrases and sayings, so when we came to college, we were full-fledged quote whores lol (and picture whores of course!). But, these are all my quotes from facebook, which have been on there forever and I was gonna delete them and I just couldn't. Too many good memories <3 Enjoy!

"He was all up in my kool-aid" - Casey

" i giggled and look away then i looked back and giggled again, theni looked away again. theni actually really looked at his um............Little Petey. " - Sara

"Is he pushing a human body out of his penis? Then he gets no say so!" - Sara ^_^

No tofu no! - Me

Stick a fork in it! Argghh - Kim


Chickens eat corn... right?

"The highest role of the educator is the maieutic role of Socrates: to help the student come to himself not as a consumer of experience, but as a sovereign individual" -Walker Percy - The Loss Of Creature.

"You think that you see what's present... but you don't you never do... all you can ever see is the past. Look in the mirror, you see a person in the mirror who is younger than you are... because the light has to go from you to the mirror and from the mirror to your eye. So it leaves you, goes back to the mirror and comes back. So whenever you see yourself, you see yourself a little earlier. It's actually uniportant. It's nanoseconds. But the truth is: all any human being can ever observe is the past. You never see the present. And everything you look at is younger than it is right now. When you look at the universe, you are looking at a universe that is billions of years younger." Allen from Bobrauschenburgamerica by Charles L. Mee.

"I think of myself like a bottle of spoiled milk, because im white and chunky" - Nate from Beauty and the Geek

"I'm running in my head!"

"When potato chips attacked"

"You all chilly, chilly/shimmy,shimmy/everything else lol"

"If we were on Amazing Race you would yell, 'USE YOUR BOOBS'
and i would yell 'I CAN'T I DON'T HAVE ANY!!'"

"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be" - Shel Silverstein

"Don't step on me little fire!" - best roomie ever lol. (sing this to don't cry for me argentina lol its fun ^^ )

"That's not Japanese at all!" ( When Kim said she wanted to name her baby Sookie and I thought she spelled it like Suki XD)

" Real love is like a ghost. Everyone is talking about it but no one has hardly seen it" - Hanazakari no Kimitachi e Episode 12

"I'm an airplane!" - Kim

"I dont know how far love is from me, is it the distance of a bus ride or the distance from the earth to the moon? But i wish real love will be mine one day." - Hanakazari no Kimitachi e Episode 13

"Adultry is like going out for some milk when you have two good jugs at home" - some random commercial on tv lol

"Beneath this mask there is more then flesh. Beneath this mask is an idea Mr. Crede and ideas are bullet proof" V for Vendetta

"Sometimes people do the wrong things for the right reasons."

"There's fireworks or deatheaters on campus, either one or the other" Kim XD <3

"Laurence, why are you slapping a monkey!" - Night at the Museum

"Ewww it's sour when the stuff comes out!" - My sister <3

And my newest quote....

You have to find out who you are, and be that
You have to decide what comes first, and do that.
You have to discover your strengths, and use them.
You have to learn not to compete with others, 
Because no one else is in the contest of *being you*.

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