Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The keys to being sucessful...

It's been a while since I blogged about anything and well my mind has just gone blank recently with any sort of idea except for one. This has been on my mind for a few days now, and I just thought it would be helpful any sort of relationship really - a realtionship between a boyfriend/girlfriend, a difficult friend or even a difficult parent/sibling/or other relative.

1.) Take everything one day at a time or even one moment at a time: This may sound silly but it works. If you keep your focus just on that day it helps to appreciate the moment just a little bit more. This motto gets rid of all future/past anxiety and just allows you to enjoy the day as it is.

2.) Everyone, no matter how perfect they are in your eyes, have their flaws: So accept these flaws and realize that's the reason why you cared for them so much in the first place. Most likely that flaw was there when you first met the person. Don't try to change this flaw (unless it's something super horrible that you just CANT deal with) but instead learn how to work around it.

3.) Give the situation to God/higher power/just give yourself a break: I know not everyone believes in God or a higher power and sometimes they just have themselves to believe in BUT i found out that one of most amazing feelings is when the situation or relationship is just lifted from your shoulders, even if it is just a temporary time. Just asking God/higher power to take control of the relationship and just let him take it where he sees planned is one of the greatest feelings you can ever experience. It helps in two ways because 1.) you're finally letting someone else take control of an aspect in your life which causes less stress and 2.) it allows you to see the relationship or situation with open eyes because you don't have to heal it. You're letting God do that task.

And that's it for today <3

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