Monday, February 28, 2011

A whole bunch of frustration...

I swear, my research class and this semester is going to be the end of me. I got to my class about 15 minutes early and sat down and some of my other classmates were there as well. So, we start talking about the 13 page study guide that was sent to us over the weekend for our midterm and don't get me wrong; it wasn't a huge deal to me that it was 13 pages, it was the fact that only 25 questions were coming from this enormous study guide. In my mind, instead of taking up her time to write up a study guide, my research teacher should've just said that it was going to be over all the chapters but ANYWAY.

So my research teacher finally gets to class and everyone is trying to convince her that we should have a take home test (which i agreed with this because i really have no time to study a crazy study guide which will probably be about 30 pages when i put my input in) or to cut down the study guide just a little bit since it's only 25 questions. Well my teacher flipped out on us, saying that we shouldn't be getting our MSW if we didn't want to know the material and yeah. Finally, the subject got changed and we started class after 45 minutes of this crazy discussion (productive right? Well it just gets better).

Well she finally starts to lecture and somehow the mid-term gets brought up again by her and she decides to include now that it's an OPEN NOTE AND OPEN BOOK test! I think every single student in that classroom wanted to just beat her with our research books. And she acted like she told us this before, obviously if we would've known, we wouldn't have made SUCH a BIG deal about the midterm in the first place!

So yeah, this semester sucks. My classes suck and i seriously think i may just explode before i even get to graduation.

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