Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 5 - 8: Why yes, I love being a slacker (partially) lol.

So I know I'm a slacker, but technically saturday and sunday are not my fault! The internet was out at my apartment so I can only be held accountable for not putting up friday's picture :-P But I do have pictures for all the days :) So here we go!

Day 5 - My Gnomies. They were so cute I had to take a picture!

Day 6 - The gallows in Benton. Talk about a little creepy! They have an annual festival to celebrate the gallows still and if someone wants to choose this as a form of capital punishment they can. (I love learning about the history/current policies of Southern Illinois! lol) 

Day 7 - I name thee Corky! I would be lost without this little guy since I can't seem to open a bottle of wine with a regular corkscrew to save my life! lol. 

Day 8 - My bible. I started attending small group bible study now. So i felt this kind of had to play a role in my day! :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 4 - Cowboy Church

Day 4

"He's going to ask you to believe it when there's no proof and when you believe it there will be proof" 

I honestly didn't know that a cowboy church existed until today. And you may want to laugh at first, because I did. Especially when my supervisor said that cattle were also auctioned off at the church. So i decided why not? It's not like I'll find a cowboy church besides in Southern Illinois right? So later on in the day, we head to the church and when we pulled up and the service was being held in a barn like place. I honestly was wondering what I got myself into lol. But then we went inside and the service started. And I cannot say that I have heard a sermon better then this one. It was absolutely amazing; even the praise and worship. It may not have been the fanciest place for a service but the quality of the words being preached is all that mattered <3


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 3 - Love is stronger than death.

Sorry for the emo title, but i thought it was fitting for the first half of my day lol. I decided today that I would just take a little time to relax and do some reading outside since the weather is amazing! The book I finished reading is called Fatherless Daughters by Pamela Thomas and you're probably wondering, 'uh what sparked an interest in a book like this?!' Well if you are wondering that question, the interest started due to my internship but then it became my own. I always thought I was alright with my father passing but as a I read this book, I realized that I still have a long way to acceptance. So in the long run, it was a good book for me to read and it helped me realize that I have a long way to go. Here is my picture for the day! My fruit smoothie was amazing and so was the weather! Thank goodness no bugs interrupted my reading! lol.

Day 3

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 2 - Ernie

Everyone who knows me knows that I usually end up at Midas at least once a month. Well I ended up there today as well to see what was wrong with Ernie. Apparently just some tire balance issues (even though i say it's something else or I'm just super paranoid). But my picture is of the midas invoice reciept they always give me, I swear i have enough to make all of my friends a paper fan for the upcoming summer! lol. :)

Day 2

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 1... again! lol.

I decided to start over my 365 day challenge because within the last two weeks (that I haven't blogged) my life has completely changed. I graduated with my masters degree, I currently am NOT a student anymore and I'm going into the real world with no job as of yet, and my boyfriend and I are starting a long distance relationship! It seems like within a day, my whole world was turned upside down (not that I wasn't expecting it; but it's just now hitting me! lol). So with all those changes, I felt it was quite appropriate to start over my challenge (and i missed like 2 weeks! lol)

Today because I had some time in between my internship and a meeting i decided to go to TJ Max. I didn't expect to find anything too exciting but I did manage to pick up a wing corkscrew bottle opener for wine and some Bailey's Irish cream chocolates! Yummy! lol. But while looking through the store, I found a cute 'Dream' knick-knack with a quote on it and I decided instead of being a worry wart like I usually am, I want to follow this motto.

Day 1

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 8 & 9 - Quiet your mind

I feel the change Goin' on all around me
It's strange  How I'm taken and guided
Where I end up right I'm needed to be
Quiet your mind Soak it all in
It's a game you can't win
Enjoy the ride
- Zac Brown Band 
I think everyone who knows me has understood (or at least listened to me whine) about the upcoming changes in my life. I've cried, I've been angry, and at one point I was even just down right depressed. But something has changed within me these past few days (maybe it was the enormous amount of thinking I got to do on the 12 hour  round trip to West Lafayette for my interview lol) and I think I'm ready for this new chapter in my life. No it's not going to be easy - it's going to be super weird leaving Carbondale for good (after five years and a whollleee lot of memories) and actually starting a career. And it's going to be weird possibly being somewhere new. Heck, I don't even know where I'm going to be in June! lol. But I'm finally ready for it. I could either fight the plan that has been laid out for me or just go with the flow and enjoy the road that will be traveled. Or I'm just honestly to the point where I've worried about my worries so much that I'm just exhausted and need someone else to worry for me! lol. Either way, I'm looking forward to the changes and I hope that my prayers will help to the pave the road that I would like to see exist for me :)  And I guess if needed a few twists and turns can be added to my 'dream' plan lol :)

Day 8 - On my way back from West Lafayette :)
Day 9 - Ernie (my car) hit 130,000 miles on my road trip. I only put 18,000 of those miles on him in the past 1 1/2 years. He's getting old for sure lol.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 7 - Since I'm traveling to Lafayette...

Since I'm traveling to Lafayette today, I decided to put this picture for my challenge picture. I figured this picture represents the past five years of all the studying, test taking, paper writing and researching I have done to get to this point in my life! :-D Not the most creative, but at least I posted! lol. :)


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 5 & 6 - Yes, I'm a day behind :(

But, I plan on making up for it!

Day 5 - Friday

Today was honestly a normal day for me. I went to my internship, went to midas to get my air conditioning fixed and then went to work with the babies at my job. However, one thing did throw me off a bit that day. I was put into Toddler Reef, which I was super excited about! I haven't worked with the toddlers since last summer and I really missed working with the little cuties! However... I don't know if it was just the combination of toddlers in the room but it was horrible. One of the toddlers were going through the "I don't want to share" phase and whenever one of the other kids had a toy she just HAD to have it. And then the other child was just beyond spoiled in my opinion. I don't mean to say stuff like this but the toddler would NOT let me put him down since his mom handed him to me in the room. I understand babies cry when their parents leave but the first time I attempted to put this little guy down; he clung to my neck and started crying extremely loud in my ear. Even when I readjusted him on hip he would like freak out! This little boy was basically around my neck the WHOLE 3 hours and 15 minutes. Not kidding you. Not to mention he managed to sneeze all over me at some point lol. So, i hate complaining because I love this job (it's definitely not like McDonalds!). But maybe I'm growing out of Toddler Reef? lol. Who would've guessed considering how much I love babies! But I think it's time to start working with the older children! Or maybe the smaller babies! Anyway, after my shift was over, I came back to my apartment had a glass of wine and hung out with Justin for a little bit before watching 27 dresses after he left! lol

Day 5

Day 6 - Saturday

Yesterday was a fun day! Thank goodness! lol. I cleaned my room (which was a fun thing for me because I got to listen to really loud music and procrastinate while cleaning my room lol). I got a little bit more done on my room when i realized that I have been saving an empty candle that I got from Kim for Christmas for a reason. The candle is really cool! It was cupcake scented and the candle holder is actually in the shape of a cupcake (the closest thing possible to find for a muffin these days! lol). So what I wanted to do was change the candle into a jewelry box since I didn't want to throw the candle holder away. I went to Hobby lobby to buy some white paint, came back and painted the inside of the cupcake and now it is officially a jewelry box! Yay! lol. I think living with Dorian is giving me a chance to express my creative side ;)

Day 6