Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 4 - Cowboy Church

Day 4

"He's going to ask you to believe it when there's no proof and when you believe it there will be proof" 

I honestly didn't know that a cowboy church existed until today. And you may want to laugh at first, because I did. Especially when my supervisor said that cattle were also auctioned off at the church. So i decided why not? It's not like I'll find a cowboy church besides in Southern Illinois right? So later on in the day, we head to the church and when we pulled up and the service was being held in a barn like place. I honestly was wondering what I got myself into lol. But then we went inside and the service started. And I cannot say that I have heard a sermon better then this one. It was absolutely amazing; even the praise and worship. It may not have been the fanciest place for a service but the quality of the words being preached is all that mattered <3


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