Yesterday, I went to the dentist for my annual cleaning (you think i would've wrote about this before my post about my first client's since i went to the dentist early, but meh lol). And as the intern was cleaning my teeth, she told me that i had geographic tongue. I was just like O.o is that bad? Lol. Thankfully it's not! :-D I'm actually unique, according to Wikipedia (XD), only 2% of people in the world have this type of tongue. The difference between my tongue and a regular tongue is that i have taste buds that reappear and disappear (over the course of hours/days) which makes totally sense why one day I like spicy food and then the next day i just can't bear to eat them. Also, i noticed that this is the same with citrus type foods like oranges or orange juice. My tongue becomes beyond sensitive (like burning sensitive) and then a few months later i realize i can think a whole carton of orange juice in a day without it even bothering me lol.
So while i was chowing down on a pot pie this morning at my internship, my tongue was really sensitive to the heat and i decided to look up more on this. It's actually pretty cool! And i'm guessing i totally have it because i have extreme allergies lol. I guess I always wondered why my tongue was whiter then other people's too. XD lol.
But here's the wikipedia page if you'd like to learn more about it! Geographic Tongue

Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
My First Counseling Sessions...
Today, I'm going to be having my first counseling sessions. The first adolescent I plan on seeing is more of a mentoring session while the other adolescent will be a 12-week counseling client. Both of these things make me nervous. I'm nervous because I have learned about counseling for kind of 3 years now. (And i say kind-of because I've technically only had one class on interviewing skills and some random bits of information here and there. BUT this semester I do have a children's counseling class which should be AWESOME!) Anyway, it makes me nervous because of my lack of experience and all lack of education about the whole process. BUT, i was lucky enough to have one of my supervisors walk me through an actual session which was really cool! I'm pretty sure i'll be alright as long as I have a lot of guidance from my supervisors and honestly... I think guidance from God is going to play a huge role in this event.
I say that because I'm an intern at a Christian counseling center. I have never been very faithful in my life (i think i mentioned this before) but recently, I've found God again and I hope he can help me through this! Well, the reason why i am writing this blog is to pass some time but also to quote some of the amazing bible passages I found while preparing for my client's.
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight" - Peter 3: 3 - 4.
"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things" - Colossians 3:2
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" - 1 Samuel 16:7
I thought these were just truly amazing quotes, especially for a young adolescent girl who has self-esteem problems.
I say that because I'm an intern at a Christian counseling center. I have never been very faithful in my life (i think i mentioned this before) but recently, I've found God again and I hope he can help me through this! Well, the reason why i am writing this blog is to pass some time but also to quote some of the amazing bible passages I found while preparing for my client's.
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight" - Peter 3: 3 - 4.
"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things" - Colossians 3:2
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" - 1 Samuel 16:7
I thought these were just truly amazing quotes, especially for a young adolescent girl who has self-esteem problems.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
You'll sit with me in the ER right?... j,k. ...well kind of.
So today has been a LONG day. After a night of being sick and not getting much sleep, and now this i felt like God was giving me something to post about so here we go.
I woke up this morning at 8:40 am which means I was late for my internship that i had to be at by 9. So i quickly drove over to my internship and got there around 9:20. Not a big deal because my supervisor was in a counseling session anyway. So my next task was to copy our radio shows onto a CD for the woman I'm writing the grant with. I put the flash drive with the radio shows onto my computer, put a blank CD into my cd-rom drive and try burning them using Media Player. No dice. It kept on coming up with some error. Then i tried it in two different media player type programs and once again, no luck. Heck, I even tried the process on the agencies computer and no luck. So i called the radio station guy and i ran over to the radio station to give him some CD's so he can copy the program for me. Thank GOD, he was able to do it.
So after that fiasco, I decided to head to campus because I had a meeting with Dr. J, the woman i mentioned above. Well, she wasn't in but she left me the packet that she wanted to give me (a whole bunch of brain functioning stuff). And for anyone who doesn't know, Science is NOT my thing. That's why i'm in the human services field. But my boyfriend said that I shouldn't have a problem with it, so we'll see. Anyway, after lunch with my boyfriend, i came back home; watched biggest loser, recieved my Bible from UPS (WOOHOO! It's one of those women's bibles with the daily readings. I wanted it and needed it for my internship so a win-win for me honestly). and then i took a 2 hour nap which i thought would wake me up.
Well when I woke up from this 2 hour nap, i wasn't wide awake yet and decided that I needed to start making dinner (which is true! Don't get me wrong!). So i got out my frozen chicken and one piece was separated from the rest while the others were stuck together.
SIDE NOTE: I am not the smartest chicken in the box, and usually stupid things happen to me like this one on occasion.
So, i grabbed a steak knife (wrong mistake number 1), slid it in between 2 of the stuck pieces of chicken where my thumb was (wrong mistake number 2), and then cut my thumb! Woohoo! Who didn't see that coming? Well, at first i honestly didn't know i cut my thumb until the blood start gushing out. I'm not prone to cuts but this one IS pretty bad. Just imagine that flap on skin right beside on your thumbnail on the inside of your thumb, yeah I now have a HUGE flap of skin that i can see through lol. SO i freaked out for a few seconds because the amount of blood and seeing through my huge flap of skin but then just held pressure on it.
However, in the midst of freaking out, i think i worried Dorian - My room mate and my boyfriend. So when i first cut my finger, i knocked on Dorian's door asking for a band-aid since i only have the cheap ones (or so i thought). I kind of made a bigger deal about it, and now she's probably worried i'm bleeding to death. I'm fine! See! I can even blog! lol.
After Dorian left, I kept the towel on my thumb (i swear it was bleeding kind of crazy!) and i texted my boyfriend (i feel bad now because he really did kind of freak out XD lol) and this is what the text said:
Today is not my day :( i cut my finger like really bad. If i have to sit in the ER will you come with me? Lol j.k....kinda.
Lol. but i swear i'm fine! It's only bleeding a little bit now and that's when i need to put pressure on it (like picking up the pan that my chicken was cooking in -.-) Stupid chicken lol. But anyway, it's going to be another late night at the library. I have tons of stuff to do and not enough time to do it! Haha, sadly if i did have to go to the ER, my textbooks would've been with me! lol.
I woke up this morning at 8:40 am which means I was late for my internship that i had to be at by 9. So i quickly drove over to my internship and got there around 9:20. Not a big deal because my supervisor was in a counseling session anyway. So my next task was to copy our radio shows onto a CD for the woman I'm writing the grant with. I put the flash drive with the radio shows onto my computer, put a blank CD into my cd-rom drive and try burning them using Media Player. No dice. It kept on coming up with some error. Then i tried it in two different media player type programs and once again, no luck. Heck, I even tried the process on the agencies computer and no luck. So i called the radio station guy and i ran over to the radio station to give him some CD's so he can copy the program for me. Thank GOD, he was able to do it.
So after that fiasco, I decided to head to campus because I had a meeting with Dr. J, the woman i mentioned above. Well, she wasn't in but she left me the packet that she wanted to give me (a whole bunch of brain functioning stuff). And for anyone who doesn't know, Science is NOT my thing. That's why i'm in the human services field. But my boyfriend said that I shouldn't have a problem with it, so we'll see. Anyway, after lunch with my boyfriend, i came back home; watched biggest loser, recieved my Bible from UPS (WOOHOO! It's one of those women's bibles with the daily readings. I wanted it and needed it for my internship so a win-win for me honestly). and then i took a 2 hour nap which i thought would wake me up.
Well when I woke up from this 2 hour nap, i wasn't wide awake yet and decided that I needed to start making dinner (which is true! Don't get me wrong!). So i got out my frozen chicken and one piece was separated from the rest while the others were stuck together.
SIDE NOTE: I am not the smartest chicken in the box, and usually stupid things happen to me like this one on occasion.
So, i grabbed a steak knife (wrong mistake number 1), slid it in between 2 of the stuck pieces of chicken where my thumb was (wrong mistake number 2), and then cut my thumb! Woohoo! Who didn't see that coming? Well, at first i honestly didn't know i cut my thumb until the blood start gushing out. I'm not prone to cuts but this one IS pretty bad. Just imagine that flap on skin right beside on your thumbnail on the inside of your thumb, yeah I now have a HUGE flap of skin that i can see through lol. SO i freaked out for a few seconds because the amount of blood and seeing through my huge flap of skin but then just held pressure on it.
However, in the midst of freaking out, i think i worried Dorian - My room mate and my boyfriend. So when i first cut my finger, i knocked on Dorian's door asking for a band-aid since i only have the cheap ones (or so i thought). I kind of made a bigger deal about it, and now she's probably worried i'm bleeding to death. I'm fine! See! I can even blog! lol.
After Dorian left, I kept the towel on my thumb (i swear it was bleeding kind of crazy!) and i texted my boyfriend (i feel bad now because he really did kind of freak out XD lol) and this is what the text said:
Today is not my day :( i cut my finger like really bad. If i have to sit in the ER will you come with me? Lol j.k....kinda.
Lol. but i swear i'm fine! It's only bleeding a little bit now and that's when i need to put pressure on it (like picking up the pan that my chicken was cooking in -.-) Stupid chicken lol. But anyway, it's going to be another late night at the library. I have tons of stuff to do and not enough time to do it! Haha, sadly if i did have to go to the ER, my textbooks would've been with me! lol.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Late Night at the Library
So, it's not uncommon these last two semesters (summer and fall for me). But i've been at the library since 6:45 p.m. until midnight at least. This is the first time this semester thankfully, but it definitely won't be the last. Sometimes i'll spend one day a week here, and before i know it, the occurrences happen almost 5 times a week. :sigh:. The life of a graduate student isn't easy but at least I'm being productive right? I'm pretty sure that if facebook didn't exist, i wouldn't be at the library for six hours today. I probably spent five minutes on facebook to every ten minutes to doing work. Is that an addiction? Perhaps. But at least i know i'm not alone. While on facebook today, I liked a link that said
"It's amazing how three words can completely change your day.
"It's amazing how three words can completely change your day.
- i love you
- fuck you bitch
- we are done
- i hate you
- facebook login error.."
and sadly i know that is very true for a lot of people. Facebook has taken over the world (or at least my world ;)). What would people do if they didn't use the social networking website to keep up with friends, post pictures and statuses about their lives and stalk old friends and ex-boyfriends? It would be like a part of every person was missing from our daily lives!
So besides blogging about my facebook addiction and being at the library for 5.5 hours, what else did i do with my day you ask? Well if you'd like to know I:
- Ate lunch
- Went to my research class which i have to say is going to be my biggest class of this semester. So in order for me to graduate with my master's i don't have to write a thesis, but i do have to write a research paper and perform the research on a program evaluation at my agency. I can already feel that this class is going to be the death of me. I'm already stressed about my two possible topics and I've only been dismissed from the class for like 5 hours! And it seems stressful because the professor seems kind of spastic. Why can't i ever have a good research professor? Ugh. But anyway...
- Next i went to my seminar class which wasn't very interesting. He let us out after 15 minutes since he had other obligations and there wasn't much to talk about anyway.
-Then i went to McDonalds to buy a caramel frappe which is another one of my addictions lol. Oh, and i got some chocolate chip cookies too. Even though i work at McDonald's, i don't get the frappe's since the one i work at isn't allowed to sell them. And i just needed chocolate so that's where the cookies come in. But the weird thing about this McDonald's trip is that I saw a sign for a Caramel/Mocha Frappe. Which means that the Caramel and Mocha are supposed to be MIXED together right? Well, i asked for one and the girl said that they only had Caramel or Mocha... which is weird because i've heard from people that there is a Caramel/Mocha mixed one. So I have no idea. But i felt like an idiot. lol. Either way, i got my frappe. So i guess i'm happy lol.
- Next stop, after McDonalds was the library. And i've been here. Working on stuff for my internship ever since I sat down. And facebooking and talking to my boyfriend of course lol. Don't give me too much credit for my crazy late night library trip.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
April's Night
They who meet on an April’s night are forever lost in love, if there’s moonlight all about and there’s no moon above ~ Finian’s Rainbow
Her fingers trembled as they gripped the cotton hem of her skirt as she waited. The crisp April breeze rushing past her cheeks as her body sat pressed against the steel bench. She had been in much turmoil the last few weeks; her heart yearning to sing the words of truth while her mind etched the picture of reality. But she knew that her heart couldn’t be silenced for much longer and this would be the best way. If she told him now; there were the obvious two options of either rejection or acceptance. At least if she was rejected, the spring would soon come to an end and the distance of the summer could heal her wounded heart. But… she shook her head, raven locks brushing against her crimson wind struck cheeks. She couldn’t even think about the possibility of acceptance; she had come tonight prepared for heart break because who could ever possibly care for her in return in that way? The tips of her fingers finally found the cool steel of the bench as her eyes gazed upwards towards the night sky to see the shining of the moon but no sphere itself. The moons radiance lit up the garden; the small pond glistening as the frogs sang their song and the blossoming flowers quivering under the sphere’s gentle touch. Her heart started beating rapidly in her chest as footsteps approached and her russet eyes looked towards the entrance to see him enter. A hesitant smile swept across her lips as she took a deep breath and stood.
“Thanks for coming on such short notice.” She said; her words audible only for his ears just like she hoped they would always be. Her body moved with the breeze as it drew a path towards him and the breath she had been holding finally escaped. Fingers now sat at her sides; stirring nervously as if they were begging for something to occupy them during the event. Her eyes starred at the cracked pathway; feeling as if her heart was ready to mirror the same image before the words even left her mouth.
“This is silly.” She started, pausing to only hear frog’s song in the background and the sound of her heart trying to flee from her chest. “I-Is it possible that maybe you see me more than just… a friend?” The words adventured from her mouth and to his ears in an ever slow and cautious pace. Finally, the russet hues courageously fixed upon him and the pounding within her chest stopped; his chilled fingers brushing lightly against her own.
“It’s possible” His words being voiced in a tone that was only meant for her to know.
I feel like I haven't written anything in forever! Which is actually kind of true XD Hopefully you'll enjoy!
Bears vs. Packers & other hypocritical nonsense.
So here I am watching the football game, realizing that I haven't watched a Bears game their whole season. I know I like the Bears as a team, and I was raised in a family that watches Chicago football or baseball games every time their scheduled to be on T.V. So why is it I only watch when the Bears are having a good season, and are in the playoffs when i understand nothing really about football besides the fact that a touchdown is when you score. And i know this isn't true for only me but millions of others people (probably mostly women). But in my mind it almost seems silly. To only like and watch a team when they're being successful. Honestly, if the Bears would've sucked and didn't make it this far into their season I wouldn't even be watching this game right now. So i guess the point of my blog today is how did society become so... hypocritical? I know i'm not the only one who does this like i mentioned about. But then it makes me wonder what else are people hypocritical about? Like lately i've been going to church (second time today) but I look around and there's the people like me who go on Sunday because the belief is there. But then there's the true believers and I find that so inspiring. I wish that i could be like that and maybe one day I will but today standing in that room, i felt almost like a hypocrite. I know I believe but then I worry that I could never reached the point where I can sing or read the bible with TRUE belief. And i know this list could just go on and on about the world and how people can be hypocritical and maybe it's not a BAD thing. Maybe the world needs some hypocrites because then how would people learn what they truly are? I kind of see being a hypocrite as being in the middle. You know you believe in something but you don't go the whole way. Everyone needs a middle on some things but some things (such as religion) definitely shouldn't have a middle. So i either have to get with the groove or get out i guess. And right now, the bears are loosing :(.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Ice Cream Machine - 1; Me - 0
So for anyone who doesn't know, I work at McDonalds. And I've thought many times that I would quit but I always manage to stay there for some reason. Today, was one of those days were I WISHED i would've quit before. So I got there at noon just as a BIG group kids (i mean 100 - 150), started to line up. And this isn't unusual for a Saturday since we always have the same kids from the same group on campus. So, i really wasn't upset that they were there. Honestly, everything was working out kind of alright. One girl was on the register, two people in grill, and the manager was running the orders while I was on drinks. For the first fifteen minutes, everything ran smoothly until one of the kids ordered a Reese's McFlurry. I kind of sighed, hating that the kid would order an ice cream product (it takes a bit longer to prepare McFlurry's just because there's quite a few steps to it) but i obviously needed to complete the task. So i grabbed the McFlurry cup, held it under the ice cream nozzle, pulled the handle down and then suddenly, I was covered in the milkshake mix from my knees all the way down to my feet. I flipped the handle up instantly but I was already sprayed and there was no going back :(. I stood there, looking down at my uniform pants which were now white and sticky and then looked to my manager.
"Uh, guys, the ice cream machine just exploded" I said, and then the manager looked at me and the girl on register looked at me.
"Oh yeah, we're not using it today." My manager said and I wanted to kick him. The girl on register felt horrible though at least because she hadn't known either that the ice cream machine was out of service.
It was about an hour after that all the kids FINALLY had there food and we had no more costumers and i felt my milkshake covered pants. It felt SOOO gross. It was like i had poured starch all over my pants and I really just wanted to go home at that time. BUT i had another 2 hours of my shift to go yet, and it was way too busy to even think about getting off work early.
So the ice cream machine, even though we've had our battles in the past, finally got it's revenge on me for being hateful towards it. One day, I WILL win. I hope.
P.S. McDonald's oatmeal ISN'T too bad. lol. But that's it! :-D
"Uh, guys, the ice cream machine just exploded" I said, and then the manager looked at me and the girl on register looked at me.
"Oh yeah, we're not using it today." My manager said and I wanted to kick him. The girl on register felt horrible though at least because she hadn't known either that the ice cream machine was out of service.
It was about an hour after that all the kids FINALLY had there food and we had no more costumers and i felt my milkshake covered pants. It felt SOOO gross. It was like i had poured starch all over my pants and I really just wanted to go home at that time. BUT i had another 2 hours of my shift to go yet, and it was way too busy to even think about getting off work early.
So the ice cream machine, even though we've had our battles in the past, finally got it's revenge on me for being hateful towards it. One day, I WILL win. I hope.
P.S. McDonald's oatmeal ISN'T too bad. lol. But that's it! :-D
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