Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ice Cream Machine - 1; Me - 0

So for anyone who doesn't know, I work at McDonalds. And I've thought many times that I would quit but I always manage to stay there for some reason. Today, was one of those days were I WISHED i would've quit before. So I got there at noon just as a BIG group kids (i mean 100 - 150), started to line up. And this isn't unusual for a Saturday since we always have the same kids from the same group on campus. So, i really wasn't upset that they were there. Honestly, everything was working out kind of alright. One girl was on the register, two people in grill, and the manager was running the orders while I was on drinks. For the first fifteen minutes, everything ran smoothly until one of the kids ordered a Reese's McFlurry. I kind of sighed, hating that the kid would order an ice cream product (it takes a bit longer to prepare McFlurry's just because there's quite a few steps to it) but i obviously needed to complete the task. So i grabbed the McFlurry cup, held it under the ice cream nozzle, pulled the handle down and then suddenly, I was covered in the milkshake mix from my knees all the way down to my feet. I flipped the handle up instantly but I was already sprayed and there was no going back :(. I stood there, looking down at my uniform pants which were now white and sticky and then looked to my manager.

"Uh, guys, the ice cream machine just exploded" I said, and then the manager looked at me and the girl on register looked at me.

"Oh yeah, we're not using it today." My manager said and I wanted to kick him. The girl on register felt horrible though at least because she hadn't known either that the ice cream machine was out of service.

It was about an hour after that all the kids FINALLY had there food and we had no more costumers and i felt my milkshake covered pants. It felt SOOO gross. It was like i had poured starch all over my pants and I really just wanted to go home at that time. BUT i had another 2 hours of my shift to go yet, and it was way too busy to even think about getting off work early.

So the ice cream machine, even though we've had our battles in the past, finally got it's revenge on me for being hateful towards it. One day, I WILL win. I hope.

P.S. McDonald's oatmeal ISN'T too bad. lol. But that's it! :-D

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