Friday, January 28, 2011

My tongue is unique... apparently

Yesterday, I went to the dentist for my annual cleaning (you think i would've wrote about this before my post about my first client's since i went to the dentist early, but meh lol). And as the intern was cleaning my teeth, she told me that i had geographic tongue. I was just like O.o is that bad? Lol. Thankfully it's not! :-D I'm actually unique, according to Wikipedia (XD), only 2% of people in the world have this type of tongue. The difference between my tongue and a regular tongue is that i have taste buds that reappear and disappear (over the course of hours/days) which makes totally sense why one day I like spicy food and then the next day i just can't bear to eat them. Also, i noticed that this is the same with citrus type foods like oranges or orange juice. My tongue becomes beyond sensitive (like burning sensitive) and then a few months later i realize i can think a whole carton of orange juice in a day without it even bothering me lol.

So while i was chowing down on a pot pie this morning at my internship, my tongue was really sensitive to the heat and i decided to look up more on this. It's actually pretty cool! And i'm guessing i totally have it because i have extreme allergies lol. I guess I always wondered why my tongue was whiter then other people's too. XD lol.

But here's the wikipedia page if you'd like to learn more about it! Geographic Tongue


  1. when I had an x-ray of my tailbone the technician told me I had great child-birthing hips and to not be worried about having kids and I was like O.o ...thanks?

  2. Lmao! It's good to know you'll have no problem having kids XD lol.
