Monday, January 24, 2011

Late Night at the Library

So, it's not uncommon these last two semesters (summer and fall for me). But i've been at the library since 6:45 p.m. until midnight at least. This is the first time this semester thankfully, but it definitely won't be the last. Sometimes i'll spend one day a week here, and before i know it, the occurrences happen almost 5 times a week. :sigh:. The life of a graduate student isn't easy but at least I'm being productive right? I'm pretty sure that if facebook didn't exist, i wouldn't be at the library for six hours today. I probably spent five minutes on facebook to every ten minutes to doing work. Is that an addiction? Perhaps. But at least i know i'm not alone. While on facebook today, I liked a link that said

"It's amazing how three words can completely change your day.
- i love you
- fuck you bitch
- we are done
- i hate you
- facebook login error.."

and sadly i know that is very true for a lot of people. Facebook has taken over the world (or at least my world ;)). What would people do if they didn't use the social networking website to keep up with friends, post pictures and statuses about their lives and stalk old friends and ex-boyfriends? It would be like a part of every person was missing from our daily lives! 

So besides blogging about my facebook addiction and being at the library for 5.5 hours, what else did i do with my day you ask? Well if you'd like to know I:

- Ate lunch

-  Went to my research class which i have to say is going to be my biggest class of this semester. So in order for me to graduate with my master's i don't have to write a thesis, but i do have to write a research paper and perform the research on a program evaluation at my agency. I can already feel that this class is going to be the death of me. I'm already stressed about my two possible topics and I've only been dismissed from the class for like 5 hours! And it seems stressful because the professor seems kind of spastic. Why can't i ever have a good research professor? Ugh. But anyway...

- Next i went to my seminar class which wasn't very interesting. He let us out after 15 minutes since he had other obligations and there wasn't much to talk about anyway.  

-Then i went to McDonalds to buy a caramel frappe which is another one of my addictions lol. Oh, and i got some chocolate chip cookies too. Even though i work at McDonald's, i don't get the frappe's since the one i work at isn't allowed to sell them. And i just needed chocolate so that's where the cookies come in. But the weird thing about this McDonald's trip is that I saw a sign for a Caramel/Mocha Frappe. Which means that the Caramel and Mocha are supposed to be MIXED together right? Well, i asked for one and the girl said that they only had Caramel or Mocha... which is weird because i've heard from people that there is a Caramel/Mocha mixed one. So I have no idea. But i felt like an idiot. lol. Either way, i got my frappe. So i guess i'm happy lol. 

- Next stop, after McDonalds was the library. And i've been here. Working on stuff for my internship ever since I sat down. And facebooking and talking to my boyfriend of course lol. Don't give me too much credit for my crazy late night library trip. 

1 comment:

  1. I miss studying with you :)

    And I am addicted to all of your swag bucks games.
