Sunday, January 23, 2011

April's Night

They who meet on an April’s night are forever lost in love, if there’s moonlight all about and there’s no moon above ~ Finian’s Rainbow

Her fingers trembled as they gripped the cotton hem of her skirt as she waited. The crisp April breeze rushing past her cheeks as her body sat pressed against the steel bench. She had been in much turmoil the last few weeks; her heart yearning to sing the words of truth while her mind etched the picture of reality. But she knew that her heart couldn’t be silenced for much longer and this would be the best way. If she told him now; there were the obvious two options of either rejection or acceptance. At least if she was rejected, the spring would soon come to an end and the distance of the summer could heal her wounded heart. But… she shook her head, raven locks brushing against her crimson wind struck cheeks. She couldn’t even think about the possibility of acceptance; she had come tonight prepared for heart break because who could ever possibly care for her in return in that way? The tips of her fingers finally found the cool steel of the bench as her eyes gazed upwards towards the night sky to see the shining of the moon but no sphere itself. The moons radiance lit up the garden; the small pond glistening as the frogs sang their song and the blossoming flowers quivering under the sphere’s gentle touch.  Her heart started beating rapidly in her chest as footsteps approached and her russet eyes looked towards the entrance to see him enter. A hesitant smile swept across her lips as she took a deep breath and stood.

“Thanks for coming on such short notice.” She said; her words audible only for his ears just like she hoped they would always be. Her body moved with the breeze as it drew a path towards him and the breath she had been holding finally escaped. Fingers now sat at her sides; stirring nervously as if they were begging for something to occupy them during the event. Her eyes starred at the cracked pathway; feeling as if her heart was ready to mirror the same image before the words even left her mouth.

“This is silly.” She started, pausing to only hear frog’s song in the background and the sound of her heart trying to flee from her chest. “I-Is it possible that maybe you see me more than just… a friend?” The words adventured from her mouth and to his ears in an ever slow and cautious pace. Finally, the russet hues courageously fixed upon him and the pounding within her chest stopped; his chilled fingers brushing lightly against her own.

“It’s possible” His words being voiced in a tone that was only meant for her to know.  


I feel like I haven't written anything in forever! Which is actually kind of true XD Hopefully you'll enjoy!


  1. Awe, that's cute! You have a skill of providing detail without going overboard. I like.

  2. I wonder where your inspiration came from this one ;-) I like it
