Wednesday, January 26, 2011

You'll sit with me in the ER right?... j,k. ...well kind of.

So today has been a LONG day. After a night of being sick and not getting much sleep, and now this i felt like God was giving me something to post about so here we go.

I woke up this morning at 8:40 am which means I was late for my internship that i had to be at by 9. So i quickly drove over to my internship and got there around 9:20. Not a big deal because my supervisor was in a counseling session anyway. So my next task was to copy our radio shows onto a CD for the woman I'm writing the grant with. I put the flash drive with the radio shows onto my computer, put a blank CD into my cd-rom drive and try burning them using Media Player. No dice. It kept on coming up with some error. Then i tried it in two different media player type programs and once again, no luck. Heck, I even tried the process on the agencies computer and no luck. So i called the radio station guy and i ran over to the radio station to give him some CD's so he can copy the program for me. Thank GOD, he was able to do it.

So after that fiasco, I decided to head to campus because I had a meeting with Dr. J, the woman i mentioned above. Well, she wasn't in but she left me the packet that she wanted to give me (a whole bunch of brain functioning stuff). And for anyone who doesn't know, Science is NOT my thing. That's why i'm in the human services field. But my boyfriend said that I shouldn't have a problem with it, so we'll see. Anyway, after lunch with my boyfriend, i came back home; watched biggest loser, recieved my Bible from UPS (WOOHOO! It's one of those women's bibles with the daily readings. I wanted it and needed it for my internship so a win-win for me honestly). and then i took a 2 hour nap which i thought would wake me up.

Well when I woke up from this 2 hour nap, i wasn't wide awake yet and decided that I needed to start making dinner (which is true! Don't get me wrong!). So i got out my frozen chicken and one piece was separated from the rest while the others were stuck together.

SIDE NOTE: I am not the smartest chicken in the box, and usually stupid things happen to me like this one on occasion.

So, i grabbed a steak knife (wrong mistake number 1), slid it in between 2 of the stuck pieces of chicken where my thumb was (wrong mistake number 2), and then cut my thumb! Woohoo! Who didn't see that coming? Well, at first i honestly didn't know i cut my thumb until the blood start gushing out. I'm not prone to cuts but this one IS pretty bad. Just imagine that flap on skin right beside on your thumbnail on the inside of your thumb, yeah I now have a HUGE flap of skin that i can see through lol. SO i freaked out for a few seconds because the amount of blood and seeing through my huge flap of skin but then just held pressure on it.

However, in the midst of freaking out, i think i worried Dorian - My room mate and my boyfriend. So when i first cut my finger, i knocked on Dorian's door asking for a band-aid since i only have the cheap ones (or so i thought). I kind of made a bigger deal about it, and now she's probably worried i'm bleeding to death. I'm fine! See! I can even blog! lol. 

After Dorian left, I kept the towel on my thumb (i swear it was bleeding kind of crazy!) and i texted my boyfriend (i feel bad now because he really did kind of freak out XD lol) and this is what the text said:

Today is not my day :( i cut my finger like really bad. If i have to sit in the ER will you come with me? Lol j.k....kinda. 

Lol. but i swear i'm fine! It's only bleeding a little bit now and that's when i need to put pressure on it (like picking up the pan that my chicken was cooking in -.-) Stupid chicken lol. But anyway, it's going to be another late night at the library. I have tons of stuff to do and not enough time to do it! Haha, sadly if i did have to go to the ER, my textbooks would've been with me! lol. 

1 comment:

  1. Imagine my relief when I came home just now and DIDN'T find you passed out in a puddle of blood in the kitchen!
