Monday, February 14, 2011

How NOT to be a crabby-paddy when you're old...

This story is definitely a few days old but it still makes my jaw drop and makes me giggle all at once. On Friday around noon, i left my internship in order to go to Wal-mart to buy the ingredients for valentines day dinner with my guy. So i got to walmart, bought everything i needed (and a few extra things of course) and left with spending only $17 dollars (which is good for me because I usually spend $30 every walmart visit lol).

So i pack up my car and get in all ready to go to Aldi to pick up the ingredients I couldn't find at walmart for the dinner. I start the car and head out. Well, at the front of the Wal-Mart in town there are two stop signs, one stop sign by each entrance. I got past the first stop sign and headed to the second one. I made a short stop and put my foot on the pedal once again. But then i noticed that there was an older man (probably 70 - 80 years old) on the other side of the street and i quickly slammed on my brakes, no where near close to the old man who was still on the other side of the street when i stopped.

However, i looked to the old man and he was glaring at me like i had done something wrong (i swear i didn't!) and then all of a sudden in slow motion i saw his mouth form into the words " You better stop, Bitch" Lol.

At that point in time my jaw was dropped, and i watched as the old man made his way across the street in his slow manner. You think after calling me a bitch, he would've walked a little bit faster in case i did decide to run him over. But, he just kept walking and I went on with my shopping for the day lol. It's honestly funny to me now, but at that point in time i was just at awe in how a man that old would be that grumpy!

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