Sunday, February 20, 2011


I hate McDonald's. I always say i'm going to quit BUT i never do, so i guess it's kinda my fault that I'm still there. But seriously, when your assistant manager doesn't do anything because she has CRAMPS, that is a bit annoying. Especially when you're the only person on front line (which means that you have to get the drinks, make the fries, do register and hand out the food to people), it's kind of a pain in the ass if it's all your responsability. We weren't horribly busy today but i needed to do 4 different tasks for each costumer. It's a lot and it's NOT my responsability to do all of that by myself. Oh, and the other kicker is that she feels alright enough to be on the phone and get on the labtop she rented from the information station in our student center BUT she can't do her frickin job WHICH she is getting paid for. RAWRRRR. So for about 4.5 hours it was all me. She kind of helped when it got to be TOO busy, but O.M.F.G.

And even when the other manager came in to relieve her, i didn't get to leave until 5:30 (i was supposed to be off at 5) because this manager had to take a SMOKE break five minutes before my shift ended and she was only on the clock for 55 minutes when this occurred. UGH!

Oh, the other thing, when you go to McDonalds and order Ice Cream and the ice cream machine is broken don't blame the cashier. Usually it's not the cashier's fault that it's not working, usually it's the managers fault for not cleaning the machine before opening time, etc. I hate when people act like i'm the most horrible person in the world because we don't have ice cream. I only get your ice cream and prepare it for you. I do not tell the machine or my manager what to do.

Gr. The only good thing about today is that Dorian and I (or mainly me) had a giggle fest because of our first floor neighbor. Such a nice (and cute guy). If only he wasn't a smoker and druggie ( SUPER sad face), we could've hooked Dorian up with a guy! :-D lol.

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