Monday, February 21, 2011

Welcome to the Nom Nom Cafe...

One day, i don't even remember how or when, i think it was when I first started to make cream puffs; I came up with the idea that I wanted to open a cafe. And of course since it's me, I had to name this cafe the Nom Nom Cafe. It's cute, it's original (or at least i thought it was until a few months ago) and it was something i knew that I'd probably never do but hey why not keep the options open huh?

(i'll get back to the Nom Nom Cafe after this portion about my class! lol) 

Well, my classes were just super horrible today. My research class has always been horrible and it pisses me off to no end. I mean, the teacher just reads right from her notes when she "lectures" and her lecturing is just so horrible. She starts "well the book talks about... blah blah blah" and then she moves onto the next topic " the book also talks about... blah blah blah". Not to mention she uses the same two examples for every topic! I think this woman (who has a Ph. D) has only done 2 research projects in her whole life time.

But today, we had a just speaker however and he was the Head of the social work department and he talked to us about Single System Designs. It honestly wasn't too bad, i read most of it in my book or had knowledge about it before hand, but at least it was reiterating what i had read and not just some random topic! Ugh... lol.

Anyway, after our guest speaker left, we had 30 minutes to do an in class assignment and then 30 minutes to meet in pairs to discuss this assignment. I mean i like the assignment idea BUT when the teacher doesn't give you personal feedback and your conducting an actual research project (going out collecting the data, almost like a thesis but i only have a semester and it's not so crazy) by yourself, it'd be nice if she actually helped us a little bit more and not have us rely on our peers so much.

So that class ended with me being all frustrated and then i went to seminar class where we spent an hour and a half going over simple child welfare terms such as safety, well-being and permanency. I can tell you that this is the third time that our class has gone over these terms since last semester (and it's with the same professor so he should know that!!!) and that was when i decided to doodle.

Now back to the Nom Nom Cafe portion of this blog. I came up with a doodle for the sign outside of Nom Nom Cafe. Now, don't be too judgmental but this is what i ended up drawing during my class lol. You probably can't tell but the O's have muffins in them :)

 And this is what I've been all semester... lol