Monday, February 21, 2011

Two posts in one day :-D

I'm on a roll tonight! But in all honesty, a lot has happened today (so much that it feels like 3 separate days lol). But i have another drawing for you! So, my guy and I had lunch today and he got McDonalds in our student center (where i work haha but i was off at the time). He got his food and came to meet me since i already got subway :). At this time of the day, the employees at the registers of McDonalds mark the costumers initials on their receipt in order for the process to be a little bit easier lol and i noticed his receipt on the table. So i started to draw faces out of his initials (J.H.) and he and I (who i was trying to draw) ended up looking like an Amish cowboy couple lol. But i thought it was cute! Plus, he needed a picture of us for his wallet ;) so i made him put it in there lol. Did i mention that he's amazing for putting up with my corniness? :-D Here's the picture btw!

1 comment:

  1. tehe- Love it!

    Check out the "trio" bunny on my whiteboard sometime... I was at Italian Village with Ariella freshman year and my order number was 34. I turned it into a bunny :o)
